Membership Fees.
There are several levels of membership that allow you to participate in the sport.
Subscribing Member
Annual fee of $2500 plus optional fee of $1000 allows member to hunt at all meets and attend all TNYH meetings and events. As a Subscribing Member you have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting and other matters concerning the operation of the hunt. Your spouse/companion is welcome to accompany you to all social events.
First Year Associate Member
Annual fee of $600. As a first year associate member of the hunt you are entitled to hunt at four meets of your choice with no capping fees and attend all TNYH meetings and events. You are able to attend TNYH meetings and events and your spouse/companion can accompany you to social events.
Riding (after the First Year)
Associate Member
Annual fee of $1,100. As an associate (riding) member of the hunt, you are entitled to hunt at four meets of your choice with no capping fees and attend all TNYH meetings and events. You are able to attend TNYH meetings and events and your spouse/companion can accompany you to social events.
Non-riding Hunt Supporter
Associate Member
Annual fee of $600. As associate member of the hunt you are entitled to attend all TNYH meetings and events and your spouse/companion can accompany you to social events. Should you decide to ride once or twice per year the capping fee of $150 applies.
Ages 19 to 28
Intermediate Member
Annual fee of $500 allows intermediate member to hunt at all meets and attend all TNYH meetings and events. Your spouse/companion is welcome to accompany you to all social events.
Age 18 and Under
Junior Member
Annual fee of $150 allows junior member to hunt at all meets and attend all TNYH meetings and events. If your parents or grandparents are Subscribing members there is no fee for a Junior Membership.
Your TNYH dues include membership in the Master of Foxhounds Association (MFHA), Covertside magazine, and the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH), OFAH liability insurance, and Out of Doors magazine.