Join Us for the
Rides of Your Life

Who We Are.
We are a group of women and men of all ages, children and teens, who love horses and have discovered the special joy of riding across fields and through woods, inspired by the excited voices of a pack of hounds. This special breed of dogs developed over centuries to look for game by scent, provides the focus for our morning ride, as the Huntsman leads them from bush to cornfield, wherever a wild fox or coyote might have traveled recently. Though the hounds are hunting for a track, we are only hunting to experience the beauty of the out-of-doors. No one wins a ribbon, but after an adventure-filled morning, we all feel like winners when we share stories with our fellow riders. “My mare had soured of the ring, but hearing and seeing hounds, she was clearly enjoying herself.”

How To Get Started.
You do not need to ride English. We welcome Western riders and equestrians of all ages. Jumping, while available, is not required.
You do need to have enough riding experience to be secure, and you need to own or lease a horse. Talk to us if you are interested but not sure your horse is suitable. We think our sport is wonderful and we are keen to help you experience it.

Since 1843. More than 175 Years of Foxhunting.
Our History.
There is a record of the Toronto Hunt in 1843 but it probably existed some years before that. In our clubhouse there are paintings and photographs recording our proud history. Traditional clothing (jackets of black or scarlet) and language (saying “hound” rather than “dog”) help make this sport distinctive, but we are striving to adapt this ancient pastime to the modern world.

Upcoming Events.
There are many ways to get involved at TNYH, from our special events to regularly scheduled hunt rides on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Have a look at what we have going on.